10x Genomics eBook Design

Design for Discovery...

10x Genomics is accelerating biology breakthroughs across life sciences with their advanced research offerings. Expanding their product line meant evolving their marketing materials, templates and streamlining their brand. The design for the first 10x eBook (shown) surpassed download expectations.
To experience the interactive version, click here.



  • Distilling complex technical concepts into digestible design solutions.
  • Creating easy-to-use brand templates for diverse user groups throughout the organization.
  • Merging the brand elements between the print and web design teams for consistency.
  • Agency-level solutions without the cost of an in-house designer
  • Creative direction and expertise
  • Superior, personalized service
  • Dedicated, experienced team

Illustration Solutions

10x Genomics Map Cellular Relationships

10x Genomics Preserve Tissue Morphology

10x Genomics Complement Spacial TransData

Three new illustrations were created after the acquisition of two companies that allowed 10x Genomics to expand their product offerings. From left to right, these illustrations show 1) Mapping of Cellular Relationships; 2) Preserving Tissue Morphology; and 3) Complementing Spatial Transcriptomics Data

How I Helped

  • Concept Ideation
  • Project Management
  • Design & Implementation
  • Systems Thinking
  • Visual Storytelling
  • Illustration
  • Design consulting
  • Template Creation

Janty Sumimoto
Whether it’s an initial concept through final art for a consumer packaging project, a trade-show display with supporting collateral, or creation of web-based design assets, Wendy brings a strategist’s approach and a keen visual aesthetic to the job to deliver results that are nothing short of outstanding. Whenever I work with Wendy, I always appreciate her collaborative style and her ability to quickly turn complex ideas into exceptional visual expressions that tell the marketer’s story. I give Wendy my highest recommendation; you'll be well-served to partner with her on your next creative project.

Janty Sumimoto, Senior Digital Marketing Manager, Paid Media,
10x Genomics

The Results: Advancing Health and Biology with Design.

Together with the 10x Genomics creative team, we worked to distill complex, cutting-edge biologic insights into easily understandable design solutions.
This 12-page infectious disease brochure was one of the first marketing pieces produced using the updated brand templates and color palette we helped develop. The biggest challenge (and most fun!) was creating the full-page illustration about host-pathogen diversity.
With in-person events canceled due to the pandemic, 10x shifted gears and virtually launched it's inaugural annual event. We created this logo that was used on all social platforms, their website and marketing materials.
"Leading the Way" was the theme for the internal sales meetings throughout 2021. The logo was used on banners, name badges, notebooks and other promotional materials at a variety of locations.
This 12-page technical brochure outlines sample preparation for single cell applications in oncology. We distilled the complex ideas and information supplied into graphs and illustrations that were easy to read and understand.

Need concepts that capture the flavor of your business? Let’s Talk!

Schedule a free, no-obligation 30 minute consultation and needs assessment. Spend some time with a creative thinker and get direction on your next project.